
Partners & Donors:
Laikipia, Kenya

Goals and/or objectives of the programme

The overall goal of the Digital Agriculture for Accelerated and Inclusive Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery project is to increase access and utilization of relevant digital agricultural content for sustainable agriculture and food security in Laikipia county, Kenya. The project recognizes that an inclusive, digitally-enabled agricultural transformation could help achieve meaningful livelihood improvements for Africa’s smallholder farmers and pastoralists, it has the potential to drive greater engagement in agriculture from women and youth and create employment opportunities along the agricultural value chain, however, despite growth, progress towards digitalization for agriculture (D4Ag) has been somewhat slow to serve the smallholders that produce 80% of Africa’s agricultural output. Agriculture is expected to be a trillion-dollar market by 2030, ripe for innovation that will drive greater efficiency, sustainable increases in productivity, yield, and income (CTA, The Digitization of African Agriculture Report, 2018 – 2019, 1st Edition, June 2019) The project is a pilot organized around key recommendations from the ‘Maudhui Digiti (Digital Content) study, action research on locally relevant, accessible and affordable digital content for underserved communities in Laikipia County, Kenya conducted between December 2019 to October 2020 with funding support from UKAID Digital Access Programme. The study aimed at assessing user needs, barriers, critical success factors, common models, and opportunities in the use and development of locally relevant and development-oriented digital content for excluded or underserved farmer communities and organizations in the County.


Our Approach

Methods used to achieve the goals of the programme/processes used
    • TOT Approach to delivery of training
    • Awareness creation and digital skills building
    • Partnerships and Collaboration

"Increasing access and utilization of relevant digital agricultural content for sustainable agriculture and food security in Laikipia county, Kenya".


Results and Impact of the programme

The programme has enrolled and trained 96 ToT with digital skills. Through the ToTs, the project has equipped 5,243 underserved farmers with digital skills necessary for accessing and using digital agricultural content across the different agricultural value chains; and created awareness to 22,227 farmers on the importance of digital agriculture. An online repository serving as a one-stop center where farmers can access content has been established in partnership with leading government and private sector agricultural service providers.

Quantitative Data

Relevant Data of the programme eg. No. of students trained, No. of graduates, referrals etc
Number of Trainers Trained (ToTs)
Number of Farmers Trained
Number of Farmers Reached through awareness creation

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    We're an award winning organization.

    Addressing challenges faced by high potential but disadvantaged women and youth.

    George Padmore Ridge, 2nd Floor – Wing B, George Padmore Rd, Nairobi, Kenya