EventsCABI and ACWICT partner to enhance digital agricultural resource use by women and young farmers in Kenya

CABI and ACWICT partner to enhance digital agricultural resource use by women and young farmers in Kenya

The African Centre for Women, Information and Communications Technology (ACWICT) and CABI have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) that will enable both organizations to jointly work towards enhancing access and use of digital resources by women and young farmers to enable sustainable agricultural production and food security. This comes against the backdrop of emerging synergies from the Digital Agriculture for Accelerated and Inclusive Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery efforts in Laikipia County, Kenya. The digital access programme was funded by the UK Government and jointly implemented by in-country partners.

The youth play a pivotal role in agriculture and rural transformation. One of the findings in a book recently published by CABI titled Youth and the Rural Economy in Africa, recommends a targeted technology promotion aimed at young people, most of whom are ‘digital natives. These youth can catalyze the realization of digital agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) due to their innovativeness and fast adoption of new technologies. In Kenya for example, digitization and ICT use is a key driver for economic development within the agricultural sector.

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